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Galbanum Oil

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Ferula galbaniflua 




Galbanum oil is an essential oil derived from the resin of the Galbanum plant, primarily found in the Middle East. It has a strong, green, earthy aroma and has been used for centuries in perfumes and incense. Medicinally, it’s known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, often used to relieve muscle aches and pains. In aromatherapy, it’s valued for its grounding and calming effects. Galbanum oil is also utilized in the cosmetic industry for its unique fragrance and potential skincare benefits.

Medicinal use: The oil is used medicinally for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It can help alleviate muscle aches and pains when applied topically and is sometimes used to relieve respiratory issues and digestive discomfort through inhalation or massage.

Cosmetic use: This oil is valued for its distinctive scent and potential skincare benefits. It is often used as a fragrance ingredient and may also have skin-soothing and rejuvenating properties when included in skincare products like creams, lotions, and perfumes.

Aromatherapy Application: It’s diffused to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity. Its unique, earthy aroma makes it a valuable addition to essential oil blends for emotional well-being.

Interesting fact – Galbanum oil was used in ancient Egypt for embalming and religious rituals, demonstrating its historical significance in cultural and spiritual practices.

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Ferula galbaniflua 


Product Details
  • Botanical name: Ferula galbaniflua
  • CAS No.: 9000-24-2
  • Botanical Source / Part of the Plant: Exudation
  • Method of Extraction: Steam distillation
  • Odour / Organoleptic: Green, woody, earthy, rooty
  • Chemical constituents:
  • Crop Season:
  • Color /Appearance: Yellow-brown
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