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Cedar Leaf Oil

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Thuja occidentalis




Cedar leaf oil, derived from the leaves of the cedar tree, is known for its distinct woody and fresh aroma. It has been used for centuries for its therapeutic properties. Cedar leaf oil is often used in aromatherapy for its calming and grounding effects on the mind and body.

It is also believed to have antimicrobial and insect-repellent properties, making it a popular choice for natural cleaning and pest control products. In traditional medicine, cedar leaf oil has been used for its potential analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also used in skincare and hair care products for its soothing and nourishing benefits.

Medicinal use: Cedar leaf oil has been used for its potential medicinal properties. It is believed to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, making it beneficial for relieving muscle and joint discomfort. It is also used in traditional medicine for respiratory conditions, such as coughs and congestion, due to its expectorant properties. However, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional before using cedar leaf oil for medicinal purposes.

Cosmetic use: Cedar leaf oil is utilized in cosmetics for its skin-friendly properties. It is often included in skincare products for its soothing and astringent effects, helping to balance oily skin and minimize the appearance of pores. The oil’s woody aroma is also a popular addition to perfumes and fragrances, providing a natural and earthy scent. Proper dilution and patch testing are recommended before using cedar leaf oil topically.

Aromatherapy Applications: This oil is widely used in aromatherapy for its grounding and calming effects. Its woody and soothing aroma promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and uplifts the mood. It is often added to diffusers, massage blends, and bath products to create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. It blends well with other essential oils like lavender, bergamot, and frankincense.

An interesting fact about cedar leaf oil is that it has been used by indigenous cultures for spiritual and cleansing rituals.

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Additional information

Thuja occidentalis


Product Details
  • Botanical name: Thuja occidentalis
  • CAS No.: 8007-20-3
  • Botanical Source / Part of the Plant: Fresh leaves & Twigs
  • Method of Extraction: Steam distillation
  • Odour / Organoleptic:  Fresh, coniferous, camphoraceous, slightly sweet
  • Chemical constituents: Limonene, Alpha Pinene, Alpha and Beta Thujone and Camphene
  • Crop Season: March – October
  • Colour /Appearance: Colourless to yellow mobile liquid
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